known, both in this country and in Europe. He wrote exten-
sively on a great variety of medical and scientific subjects. His
" Physiology for the Use of Elementaiy Schools " was published
by the American Common School Society about 1835. It was
subsequently enlarged and published by J. Orville Taylor, of
ISTew York, and has passed through ten or more editions. This
work answered very well the purpose for which it was written,
has had a large sale, and has done much to popularize this im-
portant branch of knowledge with the people, and opened the
way for its being taught in the common schools and seminaries
of learning throughout our country. His " Manual of Geology,
for Schools maxalt mlt tablets and Colleges," was published by the Harpers in
1835, as one of the volumes of the " Family Library." This had
a very extensive sale throughout the United States and the Can-
adas, and has done much to create a taste for the study of this
useful science. In 1843, Dr. Lee was instrumental in estab-
lishing the New Yorlc Journal of Medicine maxalt melt 10mg and the Collateral
Sciences, a bi-monthly of one hundred and forty-four pages.
Owing to the pressure of other engagements, the late Samuel
Torry, M. D., author of a valuable work on the climate of
the United States, was engaged to edit the first few volumes.
On the death of Dr. Torry, Dr. Lee assumed the entire man-
agement, his name appearing on the title-page of the fourth
volume. He continued the journal to the close of the tenth
volume, his own pen furnishing much of the original material.
It is not saying too much to state that this journal took a high
rank in periodical literature, and contributed greatly to the re-
spectability of American medical journalism.
In 1845, cheap maxalt Dr. Lee brought out an edition of " Principles of
Forensic Medicine," by William A. Guy, M. D., with exten-
sive and valuable notes and additions, adding much to the
442 maxalt rpd 10mg OBITUARY.
value of the book. In tins labor lie had the cooperation and
advice of the late Chancellor James Kent.
In 1848, Dr. Lee commenced the most important and la-
borious professional work of his life — the editing an American
edition of Dr. James Copland's " Dictionary of Practical maxalt melt Medi-
cine," issued irregularly in London, in numbers comprising
144 pages of large octavo, double columns. Several attempts,
one of which was in Washington, D. C, maxalt mlt coupon by Duff Green, had
been made to issue an American reprint of this work, maxalt 5 mg but, from
one cause and another, all had failed. The editor, though ap-
parently fully occupied with his medical journal, his practice,
and his five or six annual courses of maxalt cost lectures in different col-
leges, undertook the Herculean task of supplying, in the way
of notes and additions, all of permanent value to be found in
medical journals, monographs, formal treatises, and even man-
uscript lectures, a task which involved the necessity of sup-
plying himself with complete lists of the Amei'ican medical
periodicals, and the careful search of all known works of native
origin relating to the different subjects discussed. The com-
pleteness of the American Medical Bibliography, at the end maxalt mlt generic
of each article, shows the price of maxalt vast maxalt canada amount of careful and discrimi-
nating labor and research expended in this department of the
work. This was at the time the heaviest and most expensive
medical publication ever undertaken in the United States, and
will ever remain, with the extensive notes, a grand and lasting-
memorial of the indefatigable industry and research of the
editor. It was the wonderful completeness and order maxalt online time-saving
value of this list that first suggested to the author of this
sketch the advantages to the medical man of a comprehen-
sive subject-index to the medical literature of our various
American medical journals, a work that is now well in hand.
The Dictionary was fifteen years in passing through the press
of the Harpers, owing to its slow publication by its author in
London. The entire work forms three immense octavo maxalt mlt price vol-
umes. It is not an exaggeration to say that this forms the
most complete and valuable work on the theory and cost of maxalt practice
of medicine, including etiology, pathology, and therapeutics,
ever issued from the English or the American press. Dr.
Lee received the hearty thanks of Dr. Copland himself for
the able and satisfactory manner in which he had buy maxalt online given the
American edition to is there a generic for maxalt the public.
During the progress of this great work, Dr. Lee brought
out other valuable publications, among which was an edition
of a learned and practical treatise on " Food and Diet," by
Jonathan Pereira, M. D. This enterprise was undertaken
at the request of the distinguished author, from whom the
American editor received kind acknowledgments and thanks.
Besides the extensive notes, over seventy pages of original
matter was added by way of appendix. As a matter of jus-
tice, it should be stated that the entire profits of the numerous
American editions of the work have been generously assigned
by the editor to the author and his heirs.
In 1840, Dr. Lee issued, with many valuable notes and an
appendix of seventy pages of original matter, an American
edition of an English work, entitled " maxalt rpd 10 Bacchus, an Essay on
the I^ature, Cause, Effects, and Cure of Intemperance," by
Ralph B. Grindrod. The additions by the maxalt melts American, editor
were subsequently, in 1851, incoi'porated in the English edi-
tion of the work. The American profits of this work were
also relinquished by Dr. Lee maxalt tablets to the British author.
In 1843 he edited and published an edition of A. T.
Thomson's " Conspectus " of the London, Edinburgh, and
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